Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Oh! Paris!

Yet again, That City calls for me. I yearn, ache, burn, scream and dream to be there.

It all feels too inspiring for words right now, I haven't even watched one of his films yet. 
So instead, I'll allow the chirpyandcharming Claudia Winkleman and her team sum it up nicely in celebration of the 50th Birthday of Jean-Luc Godard's Breathless.
[Kids, be sure to click-this-quick if you haven't seen any of this season, this is a particularly nice episode and the link expires tomorrow at 11.24pm GMT. It's also a beautiful) 

How have I not seen any of this man's work before?! How have I not listened to the dear ones around me when they tell me I have to see this pure, ground-breaking art?! 
Please, My Darlings, educate me further. I beg you.

Happy 80th, Babe.

This is pretty much everything I'm passionate about in terms of expression - especially in film. (Watch this space for extended raves about modern-day reinterpretations of Singin' In The Rain and the like. Only this morning TheMusicalsTwin and I got really excited about it when prepping for our terribly stressful presentation and ended up rambling about Lady Gaga and VW rather than run through the plot like every other disillusioned student might. It was SpectacularSpectacular!

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