Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Home Town Delightz #5 - Swish Swash.

Sometimes there is nothing nicer than chillin' with Pa in the early morning after a sleepless night thanks to the pleasure that is The Sniffles etc etc.
Having woken before everyone else, attempted to read one of my many course books (I'm still working my way through Glassco's Memoirs and loving every word), listened to a mixture of beautiful addiktions from my NightNightLife playlist, eaten a few perfect post-Christmas tangerines and drunk a fair amount of peppermint tea to try to ward off the inevitable headache, I ended up helping Pa do the washing up from the past couple of days (our dishwasher decided to pack in mid-wash on Christmas Eve Evening. And yes, I know. Ugh).

We have the bigger version of
this. It's too lovely.

Now that that's all done and dusted (I'm not allowed to touch the plates in case, God Forbid, I drop one) and the Aga is layered with Le Creuset pans and the cat has settled, I'm back to bed with my various course books and a desperate need to get rid of this God-Damned Headache.

Have a beautiful day y'all.

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