Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Home Town Delightz #4 - The Sniffles.


When you're feeling like shit with The Temperature, The Shivers, The Shakes and That Sneaky Bugger of a Chesty Cough there is nothing nicer that clean crisp white sheets, feather pillows, hand-stitched quilts and tea sipped from bone china.

After 24 hours spent moping in my freezing bedroom with what feels like The World's Worst Bout of The Sniffles, I feel it is most necessary to pay great thanks to Mummy Dearest for looking after me so kindly, The White Company for being so luxurious and to TheGenericWidelyRecognisedCoffeeShop for begrudgingly allowing me an all too necessary day off.

Now to go find myself some nourishing soup, a snuggly sofa and the cat to cuddle up with and watch black and white movies.

Na'night. x

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