Saturday, 29 January 2011

Addiktion #48 - Fallin'.

Oh James Blake, you're the perfect thing to wake up to before 6am on a Saturday morning.

Brummin' it.

I took this last term for a photography project with my academic course darlings. We weren't entirely sure it documented what it was supposed to, but we liked it so in it went.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Fragment #6

She hustles back to her place on the counter. The stools are full. Girls, officeboys, grayfaced bookkeepers. ‘Chicken sandwich and a cup o caufee.’ ‘Cream cheese and olive oil sandwich and a glass of butter milk.’
‘Chocolate sundae.’ 
‘Egg sandwich, coffee and doughnuts.’ ‘Cup of boullion.’ ‘Chicken broth.’ ‘Chocolate icecream soda.’ People eat hurriedly without looking at each other, with their eyes on their plates, in their cups. Behind people sitting on stools those waiting nudge nearer. Some eat standing up.

(Dos Passos, Manhattan Transfer, p.283-4)

Guilty Pleasure #3 - Give Me Bieber.

So the fever mounts...


Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Addiktion #43 - This Is War(paint).

Warpaint's album, The Fool, has provided the perfect soundtrack to the endless wild worries surrounding pending essay deadlines, bills, changes of work shifts and contracts, taxes, when to head back to uni, etc. etc.

The album's opening track, Set Your Arms Down, is my current favourite. Enjoy.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Addiktion #42 - Rattling Cage.

TheTweeDarling sent me this to soothe me through the pains of what I now view as ThePlague. I exist in a blur of aches, pains and mothers meetings down The Doctors with Mama by my side, both of us coughing and wheezing and dying away. No fun.
Forest Sword's offering, below, has done something to calm me amid the desperate attempts to get TheseFuckingEssays done. Enjoy.